Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First Flight, Family, Road Trips, Passed Tests, Friends Visiting, and Christmas

Well, that's a long title, isn't it? I'm awfully bad at this blogging thing, so I need to get you up to speed in a flash. First off, last Friday at 7:45 in the morning I took off in a plane for Providence, Rhode Island on my own. It was my first flight without at least one parent, but oddly enough it turned out to not be that big of a deal. I didn't have any problems, and no paranoid delusions. Anyway, the reason I was in Rhode Island was to visit my Uncle, Aunt, and their three children, the youngest of which I hadn't met yet. We drove back on Sunday, which is where the road trip part of the title comes in to play. Road trips are probably fun in some sense, but I don't think I'm a road trip person. Although thankfully I did get to sleep most of the 8+ hour drive back home. Thankfully, today I passed my American Literature CLEP. For inquiring minds, that puts me at 36 college credits. No, I'm not bragging. Well, maybe a little bit. In upcoming news, our pastor and his wife from England (who happen to be American, pastoring a British church) are coming to visit us for about a day. It's always fun to see people from your past, even if it's only been a year and a bit. Also upcoming, this Friday we're having Christmas. Why? Well, since we'll be minus one member of the family on the actual day, we're having it early before said member leaves. Thankfully I was already set for the family. David ended up ordering his present for me yesterday, since he'd forgotten up until this point. Silly boy! Anyway, now I think you're caught up!

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