Shame on me, second day of the new year and I'm already off on a rant! And part one of a rant as well! I have another part of this rant, on the same thought wave, but I'll save that for another day. Anyway, this is something I stew over a lot, and I need to hash it out, so here goes. Teenagers are idiots. I know I'm making a rash generalization, but its true. Seriously, they choose to love or hate things based on public opinion and celebrity endorsement. Who cares if its quality or not, right? Now, I'm going to go a bit more specific here and talk about one thing in particular.
High School Musical. Don't you dare run away now, if you automatically decide not to keep reading after I mentioned HSM, then you need to hear this. I'm talking to you. HSM is a perfect example of something good (not phenomenal or earth-shattering, but good) was turned into a leper by teenagers. It's not "cool" to like HSM, so no teenager does, or if they do they won't admit it. I'm not making this up either, it's ridiculous. I'm surrounded by people who hate things for no good reason. Let me recap for you a conversation I repeated over and over with many of the girls I asked about HSM. We'll call these girls "Amy".
Me: "So, do you like High School Musical?"
Amy: "Ugh, no!"
Me: "Why not?"
Amy: "It's lame."
Me: "What makes it lame?"
Amy: "Well, it's just not very good."
Me: "Specifically, why don't you like it?"
Amy: "Well, the first one was ok..."
Me: "So why is it lame?"
Amy: "I dunno."
Me: "Ok, what about the second one?"
Amy: "Oh, I didn't like the second one."
Me: "Well, the story wasn't as good, but the music was still really good."
Amy: "Yeah, that's true."
Me: "What about the third?"
Amy: "Oh, I didn't see the third."
Me: "Why not?"
Amy: "Cause the first two were so lame."
That's the point of the conversation where I went hunting for a brick wall to hit my head on. If you don't see any problems with that conversation, then I can't help you. For those of you who identified the screwy logic, let me assure you that I've had that conversation nearly verbatim with at least four girls, and similar conversations with several more. This really bugs me, and here's why. HSM is a very wholesome trilogy Disney released that includes lovable characters, great morals, catchy music, and a fun time. If you just don't like musicals, you're exempt from this rant. Somebody somewhere decided it wasn't cool to like HSM, since apparently all Disney shows/movies on the Disney Channel are for little kids. Therefore, you're not allowed to like HSM (or Hannah Montana, or Jonas, etc.). When we take something wholesome in its values and declare it to be uncool, we're sending a message to Hollywood, Disney, whoever, that they need to feed us more cursing, more violence, more sex, because that's what's cool. I don't know about you, but that's not the message I want to broadcast.